Vodka and watermelon punch

Recipes / Coctails

For theatre, you could serve this cocktail in a hollowed out watermelon.

Recipe «Vodka and watermelon punch» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 240ml Smirnoff Red Vodka, 16 pieces watermelon, cut into small rounds, 8 fresh basil leaves, 120ml lime cordial, 800ml soda water , Ice .


  • 240ml Smirnoff Red Vodka 
  • 16 pieces watermelon, cut into small rounds 
  • 8 fresh basil leaves 
  • 120ml lime cordial 
  • 800ml soda water 
  • Ice 


  1. Muddle watermelon pieces in bottom of a punch bowl.
  2. Add Smirnoff vodka, basil, lime cordial and ice and stir.
  3. Top with soda water and stir once more.