Fizzy potions

Recipes / Coctails

Create explosive fun in the kitchen with these fizzy potions.

Recipe «Fizzy potions» presented in category Recipes / Coctails, to prepare this dish you will need no more minutes. To make this dish at home by prescription from the author Gomer would need: 8 scoops neapolitan ice-cream, 1.25 litres lime flavoured soft drink, 1.25 litres orange flavoured soft drink .


  • 8 scoops neapolitan ice-cream 
  • 1.25 litres lime flavoured soft drink 
  • 1.25 litres orange flavoured soft drink 


  1. Place 1 scoop of ice-cream into each glass. Pour lime flavoured soft drink into half the glasses. Pour orange flavoured soft drink into remaining glasses. Serve.